Entrepreneurs & Small Businesses
The Pulse of the Florida Heartland
Everything about South Central Florida is personal — and that goes with starting a business, too. Entrepreneurs in Florida’s Heartland receive dedicated assistance with everything from building a business plan to managing scalability. So, no matter the stage of your business, South Central Florida has the tools you’ll need to launch and grow successfully among a thriving small businesses community that is the heart of the region’s economy.

- Networking
- Business Development
- Small Business Advocacy

A Small Business Community with Big Connections
Whether you’re looking for a long term business partner or just someone to bounce an idea off, area chambers like the DeSoto Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Sebring Chamber of Commerce offer plenty of opportunities to connect with likeminded individuals. Leadership Hendry Glades is another program that helps entrepreneurs gain useful insights into the local business environment and provides networking opportunities among leaders in the community.

Conquering the Next Stage
Need personalized help in getting your business started? The SBDC at FGCU provides no-cost consulting and low-cost training to help small businesses grow and success. Want free business mentoring and education? SCORE Central Florida is another resource that offers entrepreneurs in Highlands and Hardee Counties just that. And by choosing to join United Way’s Small Business United program, you’ll effectively be placing your business in front of Florida Heartland’s growing population of more than 250,000 potential customers.

Thorough Publicity and Support
Small businesses are never left to their own devices in South Central Florida. Join a community of likeminded individuals by registering your company with the Florida Virtual Entrepreneur Center — a tool which fosters connections and extends business growth throughout the Sunshine State. The Small Business United from the United Way of Central Florida also hosts a Small Business Crawl throughout the month of November — giving strong visibility to local small businesses and increasing their foot traffic.